Does Anna Gusmo Really Sound Like Karen Carpenter?

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Anna Gusmo singing while her husband playing the guitar

If you searched the name Anna Gusmo on Youtube, you’d get results like “Blind lady sounds exactly like Karen Carpenter”, “Blind woman with a voice of Karen Carpenter”, “Meet blind singer who sounds like Karen Carpenter” etc. What this means is that people simply believe that Anna Gusmo can be considered as the Karen Carpenter of the Philippines! But what if she sang Pusong Bato (Female version), do you think people still hear Karen Carpenter’s voice in her?

This video is when Anna and Reynante Gusmo’s story was featured on Rated K of Korina Sanchez.

Below is the video of her singing You are the one by Karen Carpenter with Gary Valenciano on ASAP.

It’s ok to say that Anna Gusmo is the Karen Carpenter of the Philippines if you think she really is. But the bottom line is the girl has a talent. And whether people believe that she is the Karen Carpenter of the Philippines or not, those videos of Anna Gusmo above will prove that blind people are very talented, and all they need is a chance to show it.

Joey G.

Joey, a blind blogger from the Philippines, is skilled in HTML, CSS, PHP, and WordPress. His love for blogging inspired him to create this website to support his community while enhancing his writing skills.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. mj

    Who cares if she sounded like Karen Carpenter or not…the thing is they both work hard for their money in an honest way…not like many others who are corrupt and earn a living in a dishonest way.

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