What happened before the orientation and mobility training

Hello my name is Sarah, and I am blind since birth. I am sure if you’ll spend even just 30 seconds of your time browsing on this website, most likely you are going to discover some of my video performances; as I am a singer by profession and being featured here regularly. But in this post I am going to talk about the orientation and mobility training I am currently enrolled in, which I think is so essential for people who are blind or have visual impairment like me. But before I begin, I’d like to share a bit about my life.
How did I get to where I am now?
In 2015 — right after graduating from college — I left my home country, the Philippines, and moved to California in the United States to be with my husband. Upon arriving at the airport, I immediately noticed how different the environment was compared to where I had lived before.
Moving forward: The overwhelming support I received from everyone here — starting with my husband, his relatives, friends, and even some neighbors — made my adjustment much smoother than I expected. I quickly learned so many new things. What helped me most was that people treated me like anyone else; my blindness didn’t feel like much of a difference at all. For example, they trust my cooking, respect my decisions, listen to what I have to say, and even follow some of my suggestions at times.
I also have a beautiful, comfortable kitchen where I can explore my passion for cooking and a lovely music room where I usually record the music videos that you see on this website. It didn’t take me long to familiarize myself with the layout of our house, which allowed me to start helping my husband with cleaning and other daily chores. Because of all these positive aspects, the challenges I’ve faced from such a big life change have been greatly reduced.
The Orientation and Mobility Training

Soon, however, I realized there was a significant problem. Yes, I was able to get out of the house regularly, but only when I was with my husband or other people, or when I took an Uber. That’s when I decided I needed to find a school that offered mobility training and other courses for the blind.
To make a long story short, I’m now undergoing orientation and mobility training (OM) with the help of an amazing instructor in our city. Her name is also Sarah, and what I love about her is not just her systematic teaching but also her enthusiasm for everything! Maybe that’s why, according to her, I’m picking up the lessons so quickly. Of course, hearing that is quite flattering as a student, right? The training isn’t over yet, but I’ve already experienced so many joyful moments!
I was actually quite surprised by how quickly I’ve been progressing. I thought it would take me months to learn how to cross a busy street. But with determination, and thanks to my instructor’s perseverance, I’ve successfully overcome my fears and gained confidence along the way. Most importantly, I trust that God is watching over me and providing all the “maps” I need, so why worry?
Just to give you an idea of how the mobility training has been going for me

At first, I wasn’t even sure if I could walk past our own driveway. But after everything was explained to me, I started walking a block away from our house, then two blocks, then a mile further. Eventually, I memorized the route to the nearest bus stop. Recently, I even learned how to ride the bus to downtown! I’m hoping this will lead me to some nearby restaurants where I can reward myself with treats for a job well done! (Okay, I digress. LOL!)
After two months of constant practice, those baby steps I once took have now become giant leaps. I’m proud and deeply grateful for the wonderful help and support I’ve received from the Lord, my loving husband, Sarah the instructor, my friends, and my family, who are always ready to cheer me on and supervise my improvements.
What happens after the mobility training

You know, I firmly believe in the saying, “The only thing that can hold you back is yourself.” It may sound cliché, but that’s exactly why I didn’t let anything stop me from achieving my goals. Through prayer and positive thinking, I promised myself that I wouldn’t give up — both literally and figuratively — whenever I stepped out of our home. I’m confident that all the knowledge I’ve gained will be put to the test as I encounter cul-de-sacs, obstacles, bumps, humps, and even canals during this amazing journey in life.